Blog 2 -- My best Holidays

This was this summer, at the beginning I didn’t want to travel, it was the first summer holidays that I want to keep in my house, but I went anyway. Thinking about that now, it was a really good decision after all.

The first day my family and me went to “Puerto Montt” and its surroundings, mostly is a boring city, obviously it has his charm, but they are so few things interesting to visit, the “Isla Teglo”, “Angelmó”, the cathedral,the statue "Sentados frente al mar" and a few more, that’s all.

The second day we go to “Puerto Varas” in the morning, this city is really beautiful, the houses there are amazing, you can see the German influence in his architecture. Also has stunning landscapes, you can see the Llanquihue lake and in the background the Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes. At noon we went to the Osorno volcano, we stopped in an oriel in the middle of the volcano and stay there for about an hour just looking the landscape.

In the third day we just went here and there, we went to Puerto Octay then to Frutillar, later to Llanquihue, and in the afternoon went to Maullin.

The fourth day we cross to Chiloé and stay there until the end of the week, it’s a magical place with so many places to go and just stay there admiring him all day, we went to many places Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Tantauco park, Huillinco lake, “El muelle de las almas”, and maybe some more, but I can´t remember all. We don’t even see everything; we will definitely go again in a future.


  1. very nice trip, when i went on my study tour, we visit the same citys as you and they are really beautiful

  2. the south its amazing, I have been there 2 times and I'd like go there again, these small villages are full of culture, they have some german influence, and you can notice that in their architecture and some traditions, also in some typical food, like kuchens in frutillar.

  3. That kind of trip when you dont just stay in one place are awesome, especially if you did it in the south of Chile wich have so many views and people there its so kind, in my opinion the south of chile its the best zone of this country.


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